FOTO INDICATORE, Immagini, VIDEO ed altro.

Indicatore oggi


The Spirito Santo parish in Indicatore (Arezzo, Tuscany) was consecrated in 1965. A church built on landfill between the railway and state road 69 in the extreme outskirts of Arezzo. The town that hosts this church was born in the early 60s and today has about 3000 inhabitants, 1/3 of which are non-EU citizens. The population seems to casually aggregate but never unite in a real community. Our project speaks precisely of this, uniting a small people without a historical cultural identity and tradition .... "a mosaic of ethnic groups". Don Santi Chioccioli took office in 1996, finding himself in front of a church to be recovered architecturally due to structural inconsistencies which had been demolished for some time, because he did not fulfill normal parish activities including catechism.

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Anno 1996

In 1997 Don Santi Chioccioli meets the artist Andreina Giorgia Carpenito to whom he entrusts the first work, a wooden altarpiece dedicated to the Holy Spirit which gives rise to the name of the church.


Anno 1998

The path of catechesis and art & egrave; continued over the years with the creation of many other works designed to transform a church into a & ldquo; house open to all & rdquo;, where the many colors and artistic expression went to make up for structural and architectural inconsistencies by correcting a visual squalor through art . All the works created by the artist Andreina have been conceived with waste or poor materials, considering the scarce economic resources of the parish, which have embellished and highlighted the work of man, as an authentic added value.
In 2002 & egrave; a chapel dedicated to & rsquo; & rdquo; ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS & rsquo; & rdquo; was inaugurated; built in a dump corridor between the church and the rectory.



In 2004, the window of the apse dedicated to the & ldquo; Trinit & agrave; & rdquo ;, 80sqm of glass painted with colors from tableware.

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In 2005 the perimeter windows of the church were created, covering an area of 80 square meters, dedicated to the & ldquo; CREATION OF THE WORLD & rdquo; and in 2006 Andreina decorated the church facade with bas-relief friezes describing & ldquo; L & rsquo; APOCALYPSE OF SAN GIOVANNI & rdquo;, structured with 240 tiles for 80q of worked clay.



Since the town and the church lacked a square, in 2009 Don Santi and Andreina imagined a meeting place that would eliminate the parking of cars in front of the church door.
The artist has recovered waste materials from companies in the area, creating a mosaic of Gaud & igrave; tiles, 240 square meters of mosaic dedicated to the & ldquo; Vision of Ezekiel & rdquo ;.



After the realization of the mosaic and the interest on the part of critics and press, Andreina is invited to present the project that is in the conference. been included in the CDM, International Mosaic Data Base from the MAR of Ravenna - Museum of Contemporary and Modern Art of the city; of Ravenna, then other cities & agrave; and museums, Milan, Ferrara, Padua, Cologno Monzese etc. etc.
In March 2013, two Galician students from Spain, specialized in interior design, arrived with the Leonardo project, a European project, who developed the project with renderings by the artist Andreina Giorgia Carpenito.


The redevelopment project of the church of the Holy Spirit in Indicatore dedicated to the & ldquo; VISION OF EZEKIEL & rdquo; involves the construction of a bell tower, a sculpture park for the disabled; with a sensory path of chromotherapy, music therapy, olfactotherapy and games that educate the teaching of reading and mathematics, a multipurpose center for the arts (music, theater, photography, applied arts, etc.) including exhibition spaces and workshops and the extension over 2000sqm of floor mosaic, sculpture benches and an amphitheater in front of the church to accommodate the public.
A community garden and orchard, a self-managed playground with after-school activities, a place without borders of religious race, a community; open to anyone who has to give and receive.
Other interventions have been planned for the embellishment of the facade in marble scraps and an additional mosaic carpet for the interior of the church.
In July 2013 they began to c





In May 2014 and 2015 & egrave; the performance & ldquo; Mosaico Umano & rdquo; was created where the 360 donors in performance of the work, divided into groups by color, create a human mosaic that describes one of the symbols of the mosaic work, animated by the master Massimo Nasorri, who gave life as many tiles to a unique work.


As a side event and no less important were presented in the exhibition: the project of arch. Cristina Mazzeschi who technically develops the bell tower project of the artist Andreina Giorgia Carpenito.



The artistic and architectural intervention to which they have contributed with donations of materials, many companies in the territory have allowed in recent years to carry out a work that does not benefit from subsidies and grows thanks to solidarity; of the most & ugrave; generous.
With the Leonardo Project two other Galician sculptors (Spain) Borja Blanco Cochon and Ivan Matos Recouso arrived in October 2014 who helped Andreina to create some sculptural works that will support the mosaic to welcome new groups, associations of the disabled, psychiatric recovery programs, schools and artists from all over the world.

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